Elden Ring SKiDROW CODEX [v 1.02 + DLC] Free Download [2022] ⏫


Name Elden Ring
Publisher Administrator
Format File
Rating 4.26 / 5 ( 113 votes )
Update (13 days ago)




* Tarnished Prince, a new fantasy action RPG based on Norse Mythology, will be released for PlayStation 4 in late July.
* It has been described as a new fantasy adventure game that’s made with an attention to detail and rich in the presentation of its characters.
* Since its unveiling, as the protagonist who will fight against the “accursed one” protecting the “world of mountains and trolls” in the “way of the Elden Ring,” the protagonist Tarnished has been in the spotlight.
* This fantasy action game will be released for the PlayStation 4 and will be made by Kenichiro Takaki, the director who previously directed titles such as Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- and Final Fantasy XIII-2.
* The newly announced Tarnished Prince introduces new elements such as a fantasy adventure game and a dynamic online play that loosely connects to the player.
* Not only newcomers to the series, but players who have completed a previous title will be able to relive a special story.

A very limited set of songs is included in this first PS4 game.

This PS4 game does not require a PlayStation VR headset.

The PS4 version will include both the English dub and Japanese voice acting.

There are both physical and digital editions.

You can obtain the global version for free and play online.

For purchase, the physical version (with a code for the online version) will be available at the same time.

(PlayStation™, PlayStation®VR, PlayStation®4, PlayStation®4 Pro, PlayStation®3, PlayStation®4, PlayStation®4 Pro, and PlayStation®3, © 2016 Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc.)

Japanese version (CVT. Will not include the Japanese voice acting)The Many Colors of January

“Colors belong to us and they belong to you and they should be yours without any restrictions, especially the rainbow.” – Maulana Karenga

In January, the warm glow of winter is giving way to the herald of spring, the return of warmth and sunlight and growth and renewal. Birth of a baby in the spring means the birth of a new year. The return of the sun and warmth to the body marks a return to health and balance, to renewal, to life.

Many of us have lists of things we want to do during the new year. We may want to cleanse and renew our minds,


Name Elden Ring
Publisher Administrator
Format File
Rating 4.26 / 5 ( 113 votes )
Update (13 days ago)


Elden Ring Features Key:

  • Ballistic Awesome RPG Action Played From a First-person Perspective
    Use group support to form an elite group with other players.

  • Create Your Own Character
    Equip and customize your character to develop your character design, stat, and battle style.

  • Heroes’ Journey – The Multilayered Story
    The story that revolves around the members of the Elden Ring, unfolding, one book at a time, from within the setting of a mysterious, multi-layered story.

  • Fantasy Action RPG Details in Detail
    In addition to the main campaign, there is a “Race Condition Battle” system, where more than one player fights at once.

    Special Links
    MMO Real Time World
    This MMO will create a team based on the “Tarnished” world.
    Prologue MMO Real Time World
    This is a prologue and scenario of the above MMORPG.
    Introduction of the Elden Ring Story
    This marks the official introduction of the Elden Ring Story, which has originally been planned for “Tarnished”.