Makefile Creator Crack Free Download ➝

Makefile Creator is an easy to use application designed to help you generate a makefile in c/c++ destined to MinGW easily . This tool also accepts Microsoft Visual C++.
Users will be able to choose between options such as Console / Win32 GUI application or even Dynamic Link Library (DLL) as the application type or C or C++ as the programming language.


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Makefile Creator [2022-Latest]

The Makefile Creator Crack is an easy to use application designed to help you generate a makefile in c/c++ destined to MinGW easily. This tool also accepts Microsoft Visual C++. Users will be able to choose between options such as Console / Win32 GUI application or even Dynamic Link Library (DLL) as the application type or C or C++ as the programming language.
You can start to generate your makefile with the click of a button!
The configuration can be saved for later use and you will be able to easily change the configuration parameters or alter the generated makefile.



Advanced Features:

Support languages:

– C/C++ in windows 32 and 64 bits.
– C with CDialog windows.

Output format:

– Makefile.


– MinGW GCC(mingw-get-10_50_2010-win32-setup-zip)


– Makefile Creator installation is very easy. Once installed you can launch the application.


– Configuration parameters can be managed and saved for later use.
– There are various categories of configuration parameters that allow you to adjust the application.

Advanced features:

– Templates: templates allow to be reused in the future when a certain task needs to be performed several times.
– Exporting: The application exports in CSV format in which you can manage each line.

Update History


Nov 10, 2018

Resolved several compatibility issues with the new GCC compiler version 10.0.0


Oct 1, 2017

– C/C++ support for the VS2010
– Windows GUI for the VS2010 project
– Resolved a compatibility issue with the new GCC compiler version 9.3.0


Aug 1, 2016

New feature : (C#) Support!

New feature : (VS2008) Support!

Support Compile on command Line : Support WIN32 project type.

Support Dynamic Library (DLL) generation :
– Dynamic library configured :
– You can now generate Dynamic Libraries with CMake.
– The process can be executed from the command line.

New feature : (VS2008) Support!


Jan 20, 2016

Makefile Creator Free License Key [Mac/Win]

Create your makefile with one click.


Generates Makefiles from code and vice-versa, under C and C++.

Export and import makefiles (.make).

Visual C++ Projects compatible.

Option to create makefiles for Windows.EXE applications

Intelligent error highlighting and messages.

Easy text editing with syntax highlighting.

Option to add all the compiler flags, and other options for C/C++.

Generate an Makefile from your code.

Export your makefile as a save file that you can use on other computers.

Import a makefile that was exported from another PC.

Integrated project debug manager that you can see variables in each step of your C/C++ code.

Exceptions when generating a makefile and vice-versa.

Can be integrated with Revision Control Software (SVN / Git / TFS etc.)

Create a dynamic link library (DLL)

You can use external make tools and create Makefiles for various platforms.

Create you own build system.

Re-entrant and Multi-threading.

You can select the options you want (such as library names) and the application type.

Quick jump to methods, classes and properties.

It has an integrated debugger.

Create a makefile for Windows EXE applications.

GUI version that allows you to select the type of .EXE application, the OS types and also the options for optimization and debugging.

Command line interface that will give you the options directly from a Command Line.

Compatible with GNU make and Microsoft Visual CMake.

Mono and GNUmake are used to create a dll and then a makefile that can be exported.

Automatic generation of a makefile for the Linux application.

option to generate a Makefile for Lua applications.

The version of the application is developed in C#.NET with.NET Framework 3.5

Why Use Makefile Creator?

The Makefile creator application can be used in different ways. Most often, it is used by C and C++ developers, who have source codes for the application to generate a Makefile which will eventually be used to build their applications. Other times, it is used by those who want to design and generate a Makefile from a Dynamic Link

Makefile Creator Crack+

1- Allows creation of projects without source code.
2- Generate makefile for a project with a single click without having to specify the target operating system.
3- Simple intuitive user interface.
4- Generate makefiles from projects based on the parameters selected by the user.
5- Create makefile for one project or multiple projects.
6- Generate a makefile in c/c++, using c/c++.
7- Support for multiple programming languages such as C, C++, and Objective-C
8- CMake support for :
– If you have a project written in C/C++ with CMake, you have the option to generate makefiles.
– If you want to generate makefiles for a project based on Visual Studio project file (VC++), you have the option to generate makefiles from a project with a single click.
– When creating an application in c/c++/Objective-C with CMake, you have the option to generate makefiles.
-When creating a library in c/c++/Objective-C with CMake, you have the option to generate makefiles.
– When you create a CMake project in Visual Studio you can get the option to generate the makefiles.
– Generate makefile for multiple projects and multiple languages at once.
9- Tested on GNU GCC 4.5.1 and MinGW-32.
Generate makefiles using CMake:
– Supported on MS Windows, GNU / Linux and Mac OS X.
10- Cross platform: Generate makefiles in c/c++, using c/c++
11- Supports library development: Generate Makefiles for projects based on the parameters selected by the user or Visual Studio projects.
12- Supports multiple languages: Generate makefiles for multiple projects and multiple languages at once.
13- Supports projects based on GNU buildsystems such as autotools, wxWidgets and CMake (version 2.8.11).
14- Supports support of C, C++ and Objective-C
15- Supports projects based on Microsoft Visual Studio (version 2007, 2008 or 2010) and GNU tools.
16- Helps the user in the generation of Makefiles that are easy to read and understand.
17- Helps the user in the generation of Makefiles that are easy to modify.
18- Helps the user to create the makefiles manually

What’s New in the?

Eases the work of those developers who want to generate a makefile for the building of their applications.
Can be used by beginners as well as professionals.
Do not need knowledge of programming to use the program.

Makefile Creator Features
The following features are available for the Makefile Creator:

Easy creation of Makefile templates.
Generate or edit the make file / makefile using a GUI interface.
Save configuration files.
Generate or edit the makefile using a Console interface.
Supports nearly all standards for the Makefiles creation.
Choose among multiple configuration files.
Generate or edit the makefile using a Console interface.
Supports nearly all standards for the Makefiles creation.
Choice among multiple configuration files.
Easily build your projects with only a few clicks using the Programmer’s Guide.
Generate or edit the makefile using a Console interface.
Supports nearly all standards for the Makefiles creation.
Choose among multiple configuration files.
Take care of your files using the Project Manager.
Supports nearly all standards for the Makefiles creation.
Choose among multiple configuration files.
Automatically replace values ​​and variables in the text for the changes of the variables.
Refresh the make file to incorporate any changes made.
Supports nearly all standards for the Makefiles creation.
Choose among multiple configuration files.
Generate the Build Scripts from the Programmer’s Guide
Change on the fly parameters.
Generate or edit the makefile using a Console interface.
Supports nearly all standards for the Makefiles creation.
Choose among multiple configuration files.
Take care of your files using the Project Manager.
Generate or edit the makefile using a Console interface.
Supports nearly all standards for the Makefiles creation.
Choose among multiple configuration files.
Automatically replace values ​​and variables in the text for the changes of the variables.
Refresh the make file to incorporate any changes made.
Supports nearly all standards for the Makefiles creation.
Choose among multiple configuration files.

Makefile Creator License
You can download Makefile Creator for free but not free open source!
Download the license and continue to read to understand what is it!

Evaluation license is Free but limited for the first week. It allows you to evaluate this product and choose the best solution for you!

We guarantee that this evaluation license is licensed for 90 days and

System Requirements For Makefile Creator:

Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit);
1 GHz processor;
512 MB RAM;
1 GB available hard-drive space
Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit);