Elements With Ease Free PC/Windows 🤙

Elements with Ease is a handy application for the students who need a little help in learning the periodical table. The application will display the name of an element on your desktop and help you access its Wikipedia page in order to find out more details.
You can practice for the pop-quiz by locating the chemical elements in the periodic table. The pop-quiz is an interactive method of learning the symbols of the elements by answering a set of questions.







Elements With Ease Crack+ Free License Key Download PC/Windows (April-2022)

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Elements With Ease Crack + X64 [Updated-2022]

Elements with Ease – the essential chemical elements app combines learning with entertainment. Elements with Ease is a multi-award-winning chemistry learning app for the iPad, iPhone, Mac and PC.
Whether a student is learning about the periodic table, an upper-year chemistry student about the properties of a wide range of elements, or a teacher looking to present the periodic table to a class of children, Eselets with ease covers almost every aspect of this incredibly important subject.
Elements with Ease introduces and explains the elements (an introduction to elemental and compound names, characteristic properties and how they are formed) and then tests the user by setting pop quizzes on the periodic table. Tests are presented in a variety of formats, from the classic multiple choice format to the international chemistry/periodic tables examination format.
By allowing the user to enter the name of the element in the title bar and then selecting an option in the pop-quiz, the user can determine their level of success.
Additional Features:
Keyboard support for easy navigation
You are not limited to just the elements; the app allows you to access the IUPAC abbreviation database to locate the IUPAC and CAS numbers associated with each element, and you can search the extended periodic tables on the VICAM website to locate any element.
For students who need a little help in learning the periodical table, this application is a perfect introduction.
If you have any suggestions for additional features, you can find us by registering for our website at
Addictive Science is a partner in development of Elements with ease. As such we get early releases of apps that we wish to comment on prior to general release.



iPad – iPad 1, 2, 3, 4, iPad mini, iPad Touch

iPhone – iPhone 3GS, 4, 4S, 5, 5S, iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 6S, 6S Plus

iPod Touch – 5th generation


Mac OS X (10.3.9 or later)

Mac OS X Server

Free Mac app.


Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10

What’s New in Version 1.3.3

Updated to work with the latest version of the iOS simulator.

Version 1.3.3

Fixed a bug that prevented the app from

Elements With Ease Crack With Key Free Download X64 [2022]

– Pop-quiz feature to learn all the symbols of an element.
– Focuses on elements of the Periodic Table.
– Calculates the atomic number of an element, given the symbol.
– Displays a vibration table on left-click of an element.
– Displays the atomic number and atomic weight on double-click of an element.
– Displays the formulas of an element on triple-click of an element.
– Displays a dictionary on right-click of an element.
– Locates elements in the Periodic Table.
– Calculates the atomic number of an element, given the symbol.
– Calculates atomic weight of an element, given the symbol.
– Displays a vibration table on left-click of an element.
– Displays the atomic number and atomic weight on double-click of an element.
– Displays the formulas of an element on triple-click of an element.
– Displays the dictionary on right-click of an element.
How to Use:
– Open the program.
– Click the element you want to learn in the Periodic Table.
– A pop-up window will appear showing the name of the element on the left side of the screen and its Wikipedia link on the right side of the screen.
You can leave it open on your computer desktop.
– When you want to learn more about the element, left-click the link on the right side of the screen or double-click the element’s name. You can also right-click the element name to open the dictionary.
Download it here:

Elements with Ease is a handy application for the students who need a little help in learning the periodical table. The application will display the name of an element on your desktop and help you access its Wikipedia page in order to find out more details.
You can practice for the pop-quiz by locating the chemical elements in the periodic table. The pop-quiz is an interactive method of learning the symbols of the elements by answering a set of questions.
Elements with Ease Description:
– Pop-quiz feature to learn all the symbols of an element.
– Focuses on elements of the Periodic Table.
– Calculates the atomic number of an element, given the symbol.
– Displays a vibration table on left

What’s New in the?

Elements with Ease is a quick and handy application for quick pop-quiz tests.
*This app is for educational purposes only.
To download Elements with Ease on your Windows PC, mobile phone or tablet, CLICK HERE.
*This app is FREE to download.
To unzip the.zip file, CLICK HERE.

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Add the following items to your wish list:

Elements with Ease is a handy application for the students who need a little help in learning the periodic table. The application will display the name of an element on your desktop and help you access its Wikipedia page in order to find out more details.
You can practice for the pop-quiz by locating the chemical elements in the periodic table. The pop-quiz is an interactive method of learning the symbols of the elements by answering a set of questions.
Elements with Ease Description:
Elements with Ease is a quick and handy application for quick pop-quiz tests.
*This app is for educational purposes only.
To download Elements with Ease on your Windows PC, mobile phone or tablet, CLICK HERE.
*This app is FREE to download.
To unzip the.zip file, CLICK HERE.

Elements with Ease is a handy application for the students who need a little help in learning the periodic table. The application will display the name of an element on your desktop and help you access its Wikipedia page in order to find out more details.
You can practice for the pop-quiz by locating the chemical elements in the periodic table. The pop-quiz is an interactive method of learning the symbols of the elements by answering a set of questions.
Elements with Ease Description:
Elements with Ease is a quick and handy application for quick pop-quiz tests.
*This app is for educational purposes only.
To download Elements with Ease on your Windows PC, mobile phone or tablet, CLICK HERE.
*This app is FREE to download.
To unzip the.zip file, CLICK HERE.

Elements with Ease is a handy application for the students who need a little help in learning the periodic table. The application will display the name of an element on your desktop and help you access its Wikipedia page in order to find out more details.
You can practice for the pop-quiz by locating the chemical elements in the periodic table.

System Requirements:

64 MB of free space
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